
Personalized Nutrition Coaching

The journey towards a better body and health starts in your pantry. Look and feel your best by changing your eating habits and cooking healthier meals at home.


You spend a fraction of your time each week at the gym. In many ways what you do outside of the gym matter more than what you do while you are here. We designed our Nutrition Programs at Ampersand to be flexible and sustainable. Get the results you want faster than doing it alone.


Your nutrition coach works with you to ensure you meet your goals. They’re constantly checking in and making adjustments based on your feedback and results.


We supply you with a nutrition plan that works best with your lifestyle and busy schedule.


If we can measure it, we can use it to fine-tune your nutrition and workout plan. We provide you with the tools and techniques you need to see the progress you’re making.


"I'm slowly learning not to care about other people’s opinions as much as my own health (what a concept!). I’m back to my 'old jeans' that are a size smaller than the ones I had to buy over the last few years or so. It's incredible how much a little accountability and a lot of coaching can help." - Julia

"I'm slowly learning not to care about other people’s opinions as much as my own health (what a concept!). I’m back to my 'old jeans' that are a size smaller than the ones I had to buy over the last few years or so. It's incredible how much a little accountability and a lot of coaching can help." - Julia

"I feel better and am seeing progress at the gym. My relationship with food has changed. I don't see my food as restrictive. I see it as a way to nurture my body and accomplish my goals. I see this as something I can maintain for life. I am so grateful for this program and the flexibility and stability it provides." - Jill

"I feel better and am seeing progress at the gym. My relationship with food has changed. I don't see my food as restrictive. I see it as a way to nurture my body and accomplish my goals. I see this as something I can maintain for life. I am so grateful for this program and the flexibility and stability it provides." - Jill

Steve dropped some bad food habits along with 10 lbs. Nutrition coaching and accountability helped him learn how to make mindful choices and helped him gain more energy which he used to put in work to gain strength in his workouts. 

Steve dropped some bad food habits along with 10 lbs. Nutrition coaching and accountability helped him learn how to make mindful choices and helped him gain more energy which he used to put in work to gain strength in his workouts.