
Welcome Greg to the Ampersand Team!

We are excited to welcome Greg to the Ampersand team!

Greg walked in to Ampersand after a hard recovery from an injury while racing his dirt bike. His main goals were to recover from his injury stronger than before, and increase his fitness to better improve his racing results.

His work ethic and determination towards his goals have proven in his increased work capacity and his speed on the course when he is on his bike. It is exciting as coaches to hear that CrossFit is doing its job when you hear reports of improved times, or personal bests outside of the gym. We get even more excited when those people who have worked so diligently see the value, and want to bring that to others.

Greg is another reminder that CrossFit is for everyone! So we asked him a few questions about his CrossFit journey. 

What are your passions?
My passion in life is Desert Racing. Ever since I started to ride that little word "racing" popped up and seemed to take over my mind and soul.

Why did you start, and how did you find CrossFit?
I found CrossFit online just surfing the web. I chose CrossFit because I needed to change my
routine and challenge my body. Which all of the coaches are happy to challenge what you are
capable of doing.

What was your first impression?
My first impression of the gym was clean and very open. Everyone really cared that you came
to classes and did your best on good and bad days.

What are your goals?
One of my goals that ties into racing is I want to become a Expert Racer. So far I have lost over 100lbs from before and after I started CrossFit.

What has CrossFit done for you?
CrossFit has showed me I can push myself harder and in multiple different ways. The recovery time from my achilles injury went so much smoother than I expected with the help of training at Ampersand. Also I really like the atmosphere of working out with a group of people.

What’s one accomplishment you’re proud of during your time at CrossFit Ampersand?
I am proud of myself for being able to do kipping pull ups, handstand pushups, and having the
ability to use my whole body to do more complex movements.

Would you recommend CrossFit Ampersand to others?
Heck yes, I've told so many people about the benefits from CrossFit and that they should come join the team.

What advice would you give someone who is interested in CrossFit?
My advice to others would be no matter how hard something may seem you only have to beat yourself not others. Giving a 100% with everything from the amount of weight or speed. Give your 100% and the coaches and everyone around you will do the same for you so you can excel and achieve your goals.

Welcome to the Team Greg!



But but but…

Doesn’t the word ‘but’ just bring up a level of anxiety in you even without even knowing what it’s referring to? Such a tiny insignificant word can keep us from becoming who we deserve to be.

Life Transitions can cause us to stop forward progress, we refrain from doing anything new or even worse send us further down the black hole. It can make us not do what needs to be done to better ourselves because of the anxiety and inner turmoil that is created by the word but.

Click here for some motivation from real people just like you! They can do it so can you!

Click here for some motivation from real people just like you! They can do it so can you!

But I’m not in shape enough to start working out. But I can’t figure out my nutrition.

But I’ve never been successful before.

But I work. But I have kids. But we are moving. But I am injured. But I just got pregnant.  But I just had a baby.

But but but...  

As fitness professional we have encountered at least one of those buts, if not all. We have suffered through those buts, it has been scary, it was hard and there were lots of tears. Eventually we conquered those buts and have moved forward. We know that life is hard, that it has seasons, it gets in the way. If you want to live your life in spite of those buts we will help you navigate your buts.

Let’s make those buts mean something new, maybe with a healthy new butt to carry you through the year!

Let 2019 be the year of new but(t)s by signing up for our Nutrition Challenge!

Mindfulness: Why is it Important to Your Overall Health?

Mindfulness mind·ful·ness/ˈmīn(d)f(ə)lnəs/nounthe quality or state of being conscious or aware of something."their mindfulness of the wider cinematic tradition"A mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly a…

Mindfulness mind·ful·ness



the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.

"their mindfulness of the wider cinematic tradition"

A mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique

What Is Mindfulness?

Taking into consideration the definition; how can mindfulness be applied to our daily lives; or even better, how can it change our daily thought process? As a coach I hear it all the time, “I can't do that.” or “it’s too hard.” Being mindful and in tune with our thoughts and our physical abilities will help us push through barriers and challenges. Instead, I urge people to ask themselves, “Do I trust my coach? And do I trust myself?” If the answer is yes, then we will proceed with the task that was asked.

Surrendering ourselves to the unknown in this way can be scary. Allowing ourselves to not question the ‘what if’, to not be stalled by fear and to fully open ourselves to the new possibilities that are offered will exponentially improve our outlook and allow us so many opportunities that might have otherwise been missed. By trusting our own body, by listening to what it is telling you will take you too many new places.

How Does Mindfulness Fit into Health and Fitness?

Being mindful asks us to look internally, to be aware of how my body is feeling. How is it reacting to something new? As coaches we ask our clients all the time “how does that feel?” We aren't looking for a generic answer. No, we want to really know how that felt. Was it challenging, but doable? Did it cause a twinge of pain in that old injury? Did performing that movement for the first time successfully, instantly bring you joy? We want to know the real answer to help our clients start becoming in tune with their own body.


How Does it Affect the Long Term?

Working towards our goals mindfully isn’t going to make it happen over night, but it will help us get there quicker and more successfully. Being mindful, knowing when it's time to take a break and let your body heal from will allow your body to progress forward steadily and safely without pushing through an injury or on a day that a workout just isn't going to happen.

Yes, goals vary, many have the goal to lose weight, to be healthier long term, to run a marathon, to play with the grandkids, but what all these different goals have in common, is the conscious decision to be mindfully present with their bodies and needs and choose what is necessary to make the changes to meet these goals. When asked what was it that triggered the change, it was always a mental change. Mentally they wanted it. Mentally they needed it. They chose to be mindful with themselves, allow the change mentally and what is being asked of their bodies and of their psyche to ensure long term success.

If you are ready to set some goals of your own, book a goal setting session with a coach!

Meet Elizabeth, our Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach!


Welcoming Elizabeth to the Team!

Hey everyone! We are excited to announce and welcome Elizabeth Grimm to the Ampersand team! Elizabeth is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach from Reno, Nevada. Her interest in health and wellness coaching grew after overcoming her own health issues and specializes in focusing on the whole person in their journey to over all wellness! She is passionate about working with clients on practical ways they can make lifestyle changes to reclaim their health, which allows us at Ampersand to see the whole picture of your health and fitness! Elizabeth shares not only our passion of fitness, but even more our passion in creating a great community by serving great people!

 We are pleased to host a Facebook live interview/Q&A with her on 05/24/18 at 7:00pm. We encourage you to read her story and get to know her a little first, and make sure to tune in!

Elizabeth's Story

From the age of 14, I started having bizarre neurological symptoms. I went from doctor to doctor trying to figure out what was wrong with me, but it took me 8 years to get an answer.

I was finally told I have Lyme disease.

I went on to find a Lyme literate medical doctor who successfully treated me for about 4.5 years.

After my treatment with him, I was told to "be free and fly" but I still had major issues with my immune system. I had worked so hard to complete my treatment but I was missing something.


I had spent over four years confined to my house doing my Lyme treatment so constantly catching every cold or stomach bug was not okay with me. I sought out a new doctor to help me with my immune system. I found a clinic in Reno, Nevada that specialized in Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Neurology. I was hooked! I couldn’t believe the transformation I experienced and those around me were experiencing!

I wish I would have found a Functional Medicine doctor before beginning my Lyme treatment. I believe I would have saved so much time and money if I had worked on making my body strong first by focusing on the root components of health like diet, stress, sleep, elimination, movement, etc. Treating my body with the bug killers would have been much easier if I had been in a stronger state to begin with.

After following the protocol from my Functional Medicine doctor, I was no longer at the mercy of my body...I was in control! As long as I ate well, slept enough and kept my stress down I was nearly unstoppable. I now I help others figure out this balance so they can achieve optimum health too!

What is Functional Medicine?

With functional medicine, we seek to know the reasons behind the condition you are experiencing. We look at your bodies fundamentals like your sleep, stress, relationships, movement and food choices. When we make changes to our root issues many times other conditions in the body improve. As a coach, I cannot diagnose or treat you but I can partner with you as you make changes to your body to improve the roots of your health and provide guidance along the way! 

My Coaching Style


I believe you are wonderful. As your coach I want you to know I believe in you and see the good in you. I look at you as a whole person, not a diagnosis or problem. I know you try very hard and want to make good choices for your health. Sometimes it takes someone to be with you through the process of making a change to help hold you accountable and empower you to achieve things you never thought were possible.

Let me be a mountain guide for you and we will work on whatever the mountain is in your life (decreasing stress, eating better, becoming more active, following your doctor's recommendations, sleeping better, adjusting to a cleaner lifestyle, etc.).

I work with people who are ready to make a change or want to continue on their journey to sustainable health. I love involving your doctor to help you achieve optimal wellness for you given your unique circumstances and diagnosis.

Looking forward to meeting you all! 

- Elizabeth

Read more about Elizabeth at her website, and don't miss us going live May 24th at 7pm, so you can ask questions and get to know her! 

Not a member? Learn more about us by booking a No Sweat Intro!

7 Ways Powering Down Can Benefit You

How many of us are constantly bombarded with dings, rings, and notifications? How many of us, before we go to the bathroom, HAVE to find our phone? How many of us have looked at Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram at least 5 times already today? I am guilty some of the above…

In today’s world of constant contact and immediate information through our phones, we have lost something. I find that social media doesn’t only distract us from reality, but it warps our perceptions of it and misrepresents it.

So why am I bringing this up?

When we spend so much time on our phones, we start to shape our expectation of reality based on what people project online. Just scroll through your list and look at the people you follow and ask yourself, why do you follow them? I am willing to bet that they constantly are projecting the BEST versions of themselves. Think of the last time someone posted a picture on Instagram that wasn’t in the best light or in the best humble brag they could muster. The humble brag is my biggest pet peeve… You know, the one person that is like, “Ugh, my purple Lamborghini gets terrible gas mileage.” Tell you a negative to still show you, HEY I have a purple Lamborghini. Or what about when someone posts a selfie that says... “Making the best of what I got…” and they receive multiple responses saying how strong, dedicated, and beautiful they are. They only posted that selfie to have others tell them they are worthwhile. Social media has become an outlet for self-gratification, as well as a false image of what life really is. But real life isn’t all rainbows and unicorns. It has challenges and hard days mixed in with the good and amazing moments.

Did you know that according to Pew Research Center:

  • 84% of cell phone users claim they could not go a single day without their device. (source)
  • 67% of cell phone owners check their phone for messages, alerts, or calls — even when they don’t notice their phone ringing or vibrating. (source)
  • Studies indicate some mobile device owners check their devices every 6.5 minutes. (source)
  • 88% of U.S. consumers use mobile devices as a second screen even while watching television. (source)
  • Almost half of cell owners have slept with their phone next to their bed because they wanted to make sure they didn’t miss any calls. (source)
  • Traditional TV viewing eats up over six days (144 hours, 54 minutes’) worth of time per month. (source)
  • Some researchers have begun labeling “cell phone checking” as the new yawn because of its contagious nature. (source)


So how can powering down help us and why should we be more PRESENT?

These points borrowed from: “

1. Powering-down helps remove unhealthy feelings of jealousy, envy, and loneliness. Researchers recently discovered that one in three people felt worse after visiting Facebook and more dissatisfied with their lives. Certainly, not every interaction with Facebook is a negative one. But typically, our own experience validates their research. From family happiness to body image to vacation destinations to the silly number of birthday greetings on a Facebook wall, the opportunity for envy presents itself often on social media. Powering-down for a period of time provides opportunity to reset and refocus appreciation and gratitude for the lives we have been given.

2. Powering-down combats the fear of missing out. Scientifically speaking, the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) has been recognized as a recently emerging psychological disorder brought on by the advance of technology. The premise is simple. Our social media streams are ever-filled with everything happening all around us. Nowadays, we even see the plates of food our friends are enjoying. And within this constant stream of notification, our fear of being left out continues to grow. Turning off social media and finding contentment in our present space is a welcome skill.

This lady knows how to enjoy the moment and be present!

This lady knows how to enjoy the moment and be present!

3. Solitude is harder to find in an always-connected world. Solitude grounds us to the world around us. It provides the stillness and quiet required to evaluate our lives and reflect on the message in our hearts. In a world where outside noise is coming quicker and louder than ever, the need for solitude becomes more apparent… and easier to overlook. True solitude and meditation will always require the intentional action of shutting off the noise and the screens.

4. Life, at its best, is happening right in front of you. Our world may be changing. But the true nature of life is not. Life, at its best, is happening right in front of you. These experiences will never repeat themselves. These conversations are unfiltered and authentic. And the love is real. But if we are too busy staring down at our screen, we’re gonna miss all of it.

5. Powering-down promotes creation over consumption. Essentially, most of our time is spent in one of two categories: consuming or creating. Certainly, technology can contribute to creating. For example, this article was written (created) on a computer. But most of the time we spend in front of technology is spent consuming (playing video games, browsing the Internet, watching movies, listening to music). But our world doesn’t need more consuming. It needs more creating. It needs your passion, your solution, and your unique contribution. Power-down. And begin contributing to a better world because of it.

6. Addiction can only be understood when the object is taken away. Through a recent technological fast, I learned something about myself. I learned I am far more addicted to technology than I would have guessed. But that is the nature of addiction, isn’t it? We can never fully realize our level of addiction until the item is taken away. And the only way to truly discover technology’s controlling influence on your life is to turn it off, walk away, and sense how strong the pull is to turn it back on.

7. Life is still about flesh, blood, and eye contact. There are valuable resources online to help us grow and evolve. I have been enriched by the connections I have made and the friends I have met. But no matter how much I interact with others through the miracle of technology, there is something entirely unique and fantastic about meeting face-to-face. The experience of looking another person in the eye without the filter of a screen changes everything. Each time, I am reminded that life’s most fulfilling relationships are the ones in the world right in front of me. And spending too much time looking away from them does a great disadvantage to my soul and theirs.

So here is my challenge to you all, Ampersand members and non-Ampersand members… Power Down! I was listening to a podcast recently where Ben Bergeron, coach of the fittest man and woman on earth said, that to become better people we deserve to know our focal point, or our ‘true north.’ Sit down and think of what your personal mission in life is and what your personal why is. He says that only then do we have real perspective on who we are as people and only then can we see what true motivation looks like. The best way to accomplish this is by powering down all the digital external influences and distractions in our life so that we can truly connect with ourselves.

Here are some ways to power down:

  1. Spend time in silence, without your phone.
  2. Turn off the radio on the ride to work.
  3. Take a break from social media for 30 days.
  4. Limit your phone time to an hour a day.
  5. Take a friend to coffee and talk face to face, call instead of text
  6. Try the app called BreakFree that tracks your usage on your phone to see how much time you really are spending delving into other people’s lives and notifies you when you’ve been on too long.

Delve into your own life! You are worth it! Love you all!

 Coach Jeff

Humble, Hungry, and Happy

For the month of May, we want to encourage everyone to work on being humble, hungry, and happy. 

Many of you already embody these characteristics, but we wanted to share why we feel these three characteristics can help you have a better experience in the gym and improve your workouts.


Be Humble

Athletes that are humble are willing to accept feedback. They see feedback as a way to improve their form, their workout, or their knowledge. It means being coachable and approachable. Being humble also means approaching your workouts with virtuosity -- meaning focus on technique over weight. That might mean scaling workouts in order to maintain the intent of the workout.

Be Hungry

Athletes who are hungry have the determination and commitment to get better. What we do at CrossFit is not easy. But we are hungry to push through the workout for the reward at the end. 

Be Happy

Athletes that are happy don't complain, are open minded, and are positive.  Happy and positive people perform at their best --- and they also find joy in the daily workouts. Being happy means enjoying the process rather than looking to the final achievement to be happy. When you lose 5lbs you'll be happy, but then you'll instantly be hoping to lose 5 more. Or when you reach your goal of squatting 250lbs you'll be excited, but you're instantly going to want to hit 300lbs. Achievement happiness doesn't last. You should still set goals! But try to learn to find happiness in the journey - by focusing on gratitude, giving back (time not money), and relationships.

So now that you know what our three focuses for the month encompass, how can you practically apply them?

How to be Humble, Hungry, and Happy this month:

1. Be coachable - accept feedback from your coach and try to implement it

2. Pick one goal to work on this month (maybe its pull-ups, maybe its improving your running), and do a little extra credit each day before/after/outside class.

3. Keep the gym a complaint free zone. 

4. Focus on your mindset: why are you here? To get fitter, to be healthier, to perform well?

5. Change any statement where you say "I have to" into "I get to" -- for example: "I have to go the gym tonight" into "I get to go to the gym tonight."

6. Each day, write or say 3 things you're grateful and try not to repeat anything over the month!

Have a fantastic humble, hungry, and happy month!!!