
Sleep Your Way to Health: A Fun Guide for Busy Men in Their Prime

Hey there, fellas! If you're a hardworking man in your prime, juggling a family life with a bustling career, then you know just how precious every minute of sleep can be. Let's dive into why catching those Zs is more important than ever for your overall health. Don't worry, we've got the facts and some easy-peasy sleep tips to keep you in top shape!

Did you know??

  • 35-55-year-old men are reported to get an average of only 6.5 hours of sleep per night? Yikes! The National Sleep Foundation suggests adults should aim for 7-9 hours, so we're missing out on some serious shut-eye.

  • A recent study found that men who sleep less than 6 hours a night have a higher risk of developing chronic health conditions. Heart problems, diabetes, and even mental health issues can creep in when we're not getting enough ZZZs.

  • A staggering 70% of men in their 30s and 40s report experiencing sleep problems at least a few nights a week. Tossing and turning is no fun, and it can affect your family and work life more than you'd think.

So what can we do?

Well, here are some easy habits that you can create in your daily routine:

  • Tip 1: Prioritize Your Pillow Time - Yeah, we get it; your to-do list is never-ending. But making sleep a priority can do wonders for your productivity and mood. Set a bedtime routine and stick to it - a little consistency goes a long way!

  • Tip 2: Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment - Make your bedroom a cozy haven for sleep. Keep it dark, cool, and quiet. Banish those screens before bed - the blue light messes with your body's natural sleep-wake cycle.

  • Tip 3: Unwind Before Bed - Your evenings might be busy with family time and work catch-ups, but taking some time to relax before bedtime can work wonders. Engage in calming activities like reading, gentle stretching, or a warm bath. This will help signal to your body that it's time to wind down for a peaceful slumber.

So, why is all this sleep stuff so crucial?

Well, my busy buddies, when we sleep, our bodies do some serious behind-the-scenes work. It's like a maintenance routine for your whole system! Sleep helps your brain process memories, so you'll remember all those fun weekends with the fam. Plus, it supports your immune system, keeping you strong and healthy.

Here's the takeaway:

Sleep is your secret weapon, guys! It boosts your energy levels, helps you stay sharp at work, and keeps you in high spirits during those busy family moments. So, let's make a pact to hit that sweet sleep spot of 7-9 hours a night. Your body and mind will thank you, and you'll be ready to conquer whatever life throws your way!Remember, getting enough sleep is not just a luxury; it's an investment in your health and happiness. So, let's power down those gadgets, curl up in bed, and snooze our way to success. Sleep tight, gents!

Want to start getting the sleep you deserve? Talk to a sleep coach by clicking the link below!

Why Real Gyms Don’t Look Like “Gyms”

We opened Ampersand in November 2014 with a private loan. 

The loan came from a mentor we’d asked to invest in us and our dream. After several attempts at a business plan, he finally said yes. He loaned us a fraction of what we’d asked him for and said make it work. Our loan was personally guaranteed, which means… whether you make it or not, you owe that money back. We felt like we hit the lottery, we were excited, but the risk was scary. We had to make it.

Our small budget (especially compared to what it would take to open a typical big box gym) was actually an advantage: Instead of focusing on all the fancy equipment and mirrors, we could only afford to buy the basic equipment and focused our efforts on our coaching and our community.

Since we didn’t have the means for a marketing budget, we relied on giving great coaching and the best experience possible to help spread the word about Ampersand! And that meant we had to DELIVER.

The day finally came. We got our equipment. We started painting, moving heavy flooring, and we got to work.

We made a lot of noise, we programmed fun workouts, and we got people FIT! 


We’ve been open for years now, and while we’ve upgraded some equipment, you still won’t find rows of “typical” gym machines. Instead, you’ll see people doing burpees, squats, pull ups, deadlifts etc… Because that’s what actually works.

When you come to our gym, you will see a lot of open space. You may ask yourself, “Why?” or “Where are all the machines?” Results require movement and movement requires lots of space! If you want to get fit or healthy you are going to be moving a lot and it doesn’t require fancy equipment.

Everyone who comes into Ampersand has, at some point, visited or been a member at another gym. When we sit down and talk about their goals and their struggles, almost all of them say, “I enjoyed it for a while, but I just didn’t see any results.” There were lots of things that drew them to those gyms… Maybe it was the fancy machines, or the super swole guy at the front desk, or it was the cheapest option… But eventually they had to make a decision for themselves, and that was to find a coach.

Real coaches, professional coaches… the ones whose livelihood depends on getting results for their clients use things like bodyweight movements, rowers, barbells, boxes, and most importantly science based nutrition strategies. They chose what works over what’s “typical”. They adjust workouts and movements to fit each client, based on their needs and goals. 

At Ampersand we have everything you need, and nothing you don’t.

You are in and out in an hour. No wasted time, no wasted space, and lots of coaching!

We are glad we started basic and focused on results. Because the results speak for themselves. Our clients are doing well and are far more fit and healthy than they were when they were at those budget big box gyms. We may not look like a traditional “gym” but thats part of our secret. Come in and see for yourself!


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